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Blog, Travel Tips

Beginner’s Guide to Airbnb: From Guest to Host

Sheets are clean, a map is hanging on the wall behind my bed, and the Wifi code is written in a frame on the nightstand… Yep, I’m ready to become the perfect Airbnb host! I was juggling with the idea since last year and I finally took my decision. A lot of people I know want to do the same, but can’t make up their mind. That’s why I made up this beginner’s guide including: My answers to the 3 most common questions about hosting How to be the perfect host How to be the perfect guest 1. Does it bother you that strangers live among your things? The answer depends of the relation you have toward your possessions. On my side, once I removed my laptop, my camera and my cellphone from my apartment, there’s nothing of monetary value. Of course, there are objects that have a sentimental value, but I detach myself from them more and more everyday. For me, the decision to rent my place to strangers is a part of my process to value experience more than possessions. I prefer to meet new people and to welcome them in my home than to protect my belongings. Also, it is important to remember that […]

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(Havana) How to get money to travel
Blog, Nomade

How to Save Money to Travel

A lot of you ask me how I afford to travel so much and where do I get all the money. I wish I could tell you that I’m rich or that there’s a magic pill giving you infinite money. But, just like weight loss, there’s no magic pills and, at some point, you just got to do it. A lot of bloggers wrote about their strategies to save money to travel. I’ll add mine to the list and I hope this can help you make the move and travel more! Let’s start with my “whoo-hoo” tricks and then go to some practical stuffs. My philosophy: Experience > Possession After a lot of deception and questioning about the meaning of my life, I realized that my happiness comes from the experience I live and not from the things I own. I used to spend a lot of money buying clothes I didn’t need, decorating my apartment, and then finding myself at home, well-dressed, in a very cute decor… doing nothing. I realized that everything I owned made my life boring, so I changed my way of spending money. I now make the choice to buy less and focus on learning new […]

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Blog, Travel Tips

How to Survive All Inclusive Resorts – Tips For Adventurers

Okay, first world problem, maybe your idea of “surviving” isn’t related to the thought of an all inclusive resort by the beach. But, for us, adventurous backpackers, the idea to be stuck in a resort can be annoying. While we could venture in the countrt, we feel prisoners of the hotel resort. I hear you say “Why do you go there then”? Well… you know… sometimes, siblings get married and we have to make good impression. Or, there’s an amazing deal and it’s all we can afford. I’m certainly not a fan of resorts, but I know how to survive an all inclusive and make the most out of it. 1. Get informed on the location of the resort If you are lucky, you won’t be too far from the civilization. Before your arrival, get informed on the towns and villages nearby and how to get there. It’s not because you have everything you need (beach, food, alcohol) in the all inclusive that you cannot get out of it and explore. Get information about the local transportation. A good tip? Don’t ask at the information desk, they’ll try to sell you organized activities. Ask the barman, the maid, the lifeguard… they’ll tell you how they […]

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Jade Seahorse, hotel on Utila, Honduras
Amériques, Destinations, Honduras

Jade Seahorse – The Weirdest Hotel in Honduras

As I was planing my trip to Honduras, I ran across an interesting description about eclectic bungalows made out of mysterious findings. Once I took a look at pictures on the net, I decided to derogate my own rules and to take more money in the bank to have the chance to sleep at Jade Seahorse during my stay in Ùtila. I just can’t resist out of the box art creations! Who wants to sleep in a bizarre hotel made of trash? At our arrival on the smallest of the Bay Island, it was hiding behind a colorful wood fence : Nightland. A small world made out of curves, details and surprises. It took the owner and artist Neil Keller 15 years to build the bungalows and sculptures that create the site. Bizarre mosaics and sculptures made of bottles, beads, balls…and plastic bananas. All this just make me want to build gigantic trashy sand castles! Combining original cabins, a restaurant and a bar in the trees (A bar in the trees!!!!) called the Treetanic,  Jade Seahorse made my inner artist and lover of puns feel home. During our stay, we had the Mono Lisa cabin, a.k.a the blue one, just up the […]

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Oujé-Bougoumou, terre autochtone à découvrir dans la région d'Eeyou-Itschee-Baie-James
Amérique du Nord, Canada, Destinations

Oujé-Bougoumou, une terre à soi

Au village, on raconte qu’un ours s’était coincé dans la glace. On a dû l’abattre, car il était impossible de le sortir de là. Quelques jours plus tard, on a retrouvé un ancien décédé dans son chalet en forêt. Les Cris croient que l’ours était un messager. La culture crie et ses croyances sont encore bien vivantes à Oujé-Bougoumou, près de Chibougamau, dans le nord du Québec. L’endroit où les gens se rassemblent, c’est ce que signifie le nom de ce village où vivent environ 700 personnes, majoritairement autochtones. Depuis 1989, les Cris de la région ont enfin une terre à eux. Un endroit où ils peuvent honorer leurs principes : l’autosuffisance, la protection de l’environnement et le partage de la culture crie. J’ai eu la chance d’y passer un long weekend et de vivre une des expériences culturelles les plus marquantes de mes périples autour du monde. Pourtant, c’est juste à côté. À peine 1 heure d’avion ou 8 heures de voiture de Montréal et vous y êtes. Si vous souhaitez en apprendre davantage sur la culture amérindienne, les touristes sont les bienvenus! Culture crie La passion d’Anna Bosum pour la culture crie est inconditionnelle. Lorsqu’elle nous transmet son savoir, c’est la […]

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Snowdon - Atteindre le sommet du Mont Snowdon au Pays de Galles
Blog, Europe, Pays de Galles

Atteindre le sommet du mont Snowdon

Peu de voyageurs ajoutent le Pays de Galles à leur itinéraire de voyage au Royaume-Uni. Toutefois, ceux qui le font ont souvent un objectif en commun : atteindre le sommet du mont Snowdon au cœur du parc national de Snowdonia. Lors de mon voyage au Pays de Galles, je m’étais lancée trois défis : atteindre les sommets des deux plus hauts monts du pays, soit Pen Y Fan au sud, et Snowdon au nord, et parcourir quelques kilomètres du Pembrokshire Coast Path. J’ai réussi, presque, mais j’ai triché…un peu. Le matin de ma randonnée prévue au mont Snowdon, de la grêle tombait et la température atteignait à peine cinq degrés Celsius. De la neige couvrait le sol au sommet. J’étais seule à vouloir faire la randonnée. J’avais un mince manteau de printemps. Mon cellulaire n’avait pas de réseau. Bref, c’était une mauvaise idée. (Si vous aimez les mauvaises idées, vous voudrez peut-être lire mon aventure à Yosemite : Yosemite – How to Have a Terrible Day (en anglais).)   Un train vers le sommet Heureusement, au départ de Llanberis, le train de Snowdon Mountain Railway se rend au sommet du mont Snowdon. Enfin, presqu’au sommet, car la dernière station se trouve à quelques minutes de randonnée […]

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