Aujourd’hui, j’ai décidé de vous montrer le truc que j’apprends à tous mes amis et membres de ma famille pour trouver des vols pas chers. J’utilise cette technique littéralement à chaque fois que je magasine des billets d’avion. Je tiens à dire que cet article n’est pas un article commandité par Skyscanner. Je n’ai pas été payé pour l’écrire et je n’en retire aucun bénéfice direct. Par contre, il contient des liens affiliés, comme la plupart des articles sur ce blogue. (Un lien affilié me fait gagner une petite commission si vous faites une réservation, sans ajouter de frais pour vous. Ça me permet de continuer à vous offrir des infos gratuitement.) J’ai décidé d’écrire cet article parce que je réalise que la plupart des gens n’utilisent pas les comparateurs de vols à leur plein potentiel. Je vous montre! Si vous êtes sur votre cellulaire ou votre tablette, vous pouvez aussi installer gratuitement l’application Skyscanner pour Android ou l’application Skyscanner iOS. Sinon, commencez par cliquer ici pour ouvrir Skyscanner sur votre ordinateur et suivez ensuite les étapes plus bas. Ne vous en faites pas, vous n’avez pas à accumuler des points ou vous inscrire aux infolettres de toutes les compagnies aériennes pour […]
We all know AirbnB is great because it mix lodgings and meeting local people. Now, Vayable presents the same concept, but for tours: Take a tour, with a local! Tadaaa! Isn’t it great? What’s Vayable? It’s a website to book tours and experiences with local people. You choose where you want to go, and you’ll have access to offers made by insiders who want to make you discover their home town, in their own way. It’s perfect if you want to go off the beaten path and discover some hidden gems. Near San Francisco, there’s some unique tours such as doing light graffiti, taking a walk to explore street art, … or hunting mushrooms (because why not). Not finding what you are looking for? No problem! What’s great with Vayable is that you can request a customized experience based on specific thing you want to discover. There’s more than 5000 insiders ready to help you find exactly what you are looking for in their town. For this service, the price starts at 49$ per day of the itinerary. Pretty accessible if you’re thinking of a one-day tour you’ve dreamed of! Hey! I could show my town too! Yes you can! If you’re in love with […]
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the addiction Trover will create. Since I’ve discovered this app, I don’t plan a trip without looking at it. Plus, it’s funny, user-friendly, and free! Yay! What is Trover Trover is an app and a website for photo sharing. ”Yeah, like Instagram?”, I hear you say. Well, it has some similarities, but what is fantastic about it is that it’s only about places! No nails pictures. No cat pictures. As their tagline says, only ”The Best of Everywhere”. Here’s what my profile page look like: How does Trover work Users create a profile and post “Discoveries”. All discoveries are geotagged on a Map and accompany by a description or advice about the place. The goal is to show places to other travelers and make sure they enjoy it. Why is it great For many reasons! 1. You can see what is located nearby With the app, you can see what pictures other users have posted and the distance from you. This is very useful when you are in a new town looking for places to explore. 2. Every picture is located on a map If you try to upload a picture and the place is not already […]