I hear a lot of people around me taking this resolution: ”This year, I will travel!” I know how hard it can be to stick to our new year’s resolution (Hello,”losing weight”, I’m looking at you)! I also know that everything is possible and that motivation tips can help. I may not be good at not taking a third cookie, but when it comes to planning and being disciplined for a travel goal achievement, I rock the place! Let me help you with this resolution. 1. Stop saying you don’t have money It’s one of the first reasons why people tell they don’t travel as much as they want. But here is the truth: you HAVE enough money, ALL of you. Yes, keeping a budget is a great tool, but you already know that and that’s not what I’m talking about here. One big change I made when I made the commitment to travel more was to change my perception of money. I stopped saying ”I don’t have money”, and started saying ”I don’t have money for THIS or for THAT”. This way of perceiving money gives you more power over it. You are the one in charge. YOU decide. Not […]
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