To be honest, I was supposed to go to Turkey. I even announced it to everybody I know, but I chose to postponed my trip for the second time. The first time, my vacation were during the Ramadan, and even if I know it wouldn’t have been a problem for a none-muslim tourist, I didn’t want to disturb a tradition that is not mine. This time, flights to Istanbul for a trip in September are insanely expensive from Montreal. Even if I really want to see the Blue Mosque and explore the markets, there’s no way that I’m gonna pay 1400$ for a flight to go there. So Turkey, when you’re ready, raise your hand, because I’m waiting for you! Then, I spent a day shopping for an alternative destination. Did I choose to go to Greece because it was the cheapest flights? No. I could go to Central America. Did I choose Greece because of the crisis? Yes and no. I mainly chose Greece because it’s beautiful, and despite the fact that there’s a crisis, I won’t deny it, its sun, its beaches, its culture are not in crisis. For tourists, I am confident that it will be business as usual, and I am […]
Sheets are clean, a map is hanging on the wall behind my bed, and the Wifi code is written in a frame on the nightstand… Yep, I’m ready to become the perfect Airbnb host! I was juggling with the idea since last year and I finally took my decision. A lot of people I know want to do the same, but can’t make up their mind. That’s why I made up this beginner’s guide including: My answers to the 3 most common questions about hosting How to be the perfect host How to be the perfect guest 1. Does it bother you that strangers live among your things? The answer depends of the relation you have toward your possessions. On my side, once I removed my laptop, my camera and my cellphone from my apartment, there’s nothing of monetary value. Of course, there are objects that have a sentimental value, but I detach myself from them more and more everyday. For me, the decision to rent my place to strangers is a part of my process to value experience more than possessions. I prefer to meet new people and to welcome them in my home than to protect my belongings. Also, it is important to remember that […]
Iceland is a country like no other to visit. It is a land of glaciers and volcanos, hot springs and freezing wind gusts. More people would probably visit this small island of 325 000 inhabitants if it wasn’t of its reputation of being such an expensive place. But… Though it is true that it can be one of the most expensive countries to visit, it recently became accessible for budget vacation, given you’re ready to do some compromise. Budget travel in Iceland are not for everyone. Namely, you have to fit in those four categories : 1. You like winter To get the lowest price, you need to travel off-season, so roughly between mid-september to the end of April. That means winter, cold, snow, icy roads, but also awesome winter landscapes and possibly some northern lights. You better have warm clothes and be good to drive in winter conditions. 2. You can travel light The cheapest flights you’re gonna find include only 5kg (12lbs) of hand luggage. You better choose wisely what you want to bring with you. The tips? Search for flight on Skyscanner to find the best deal. That’s how I found a flight for 300$. 3. You love hiking Hiking will be your main occupation […]
A lot of you ask me how I afford to travel so much and where do I get all the money. I wish I could tell you that I’m rich or that there’s a magic pill giving you infinite money. But, just like weight loss, there’s no magic pills and, at some point, you just got to do it. A lot of bloggers wrote about their strategies to save money to travel. I’ll add mine to the list and I hope this can help you make the move and travel more! Let’s start with my “whoo-hoo” tricks and then go to some practical stuffs. My philosophy: Experience > Possession After a lot of deception and questioning about the meaning of my life, I realized that my happiness comes from the experience I live and not from the things I own. I used to spend a lot of money buying clothes I didn’t need, decorating my apartment, and then finding myself at home, well-dressed, in a very cute decor… doing nothing. I realized that everything I owned made my life boring, so I changed my way of spending money. I now make the choice to buy less and focus on learning new […]
I hear a lot of people around me taking this resolution: ”This year, I will travel!” I know how hard it can be to stick to our new year’s resolution (Hello,”losing weight”, I’m looking at you)! I also know that everything is possible and that motivation tips can help. I may not be good at not taking a third cookie, but when it comes to planning and being disciplined for a travel goal achievement, I rock the place! Let me help you with this resolution. 1. Stop saying you don’t have money It’s one of the first reasons why people tell they don’t travel as much as they want. But here is the truth: you HAVE enough money, ALL of you. Yes, keeping a budget is a great tool, but you already know that and that’s not what I’m talking about here. One big change I made when I made the commitment to travel more was to change my perception of money. I stopped saying ”I don’t have money”, and started saying ”I don’t have money for THIS or for THAT”. This way of perceiving money gives you more power over it. You are the one in charge. YOU decide. Not […]